2013 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Conference Report)

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FACT Fund Language (language only)

Item 469 #2c

Item 469 #2c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 434, line 51, after "J.1." insert "a."Page 434, line 54, strike "purposes" and insert "purpose".Page 435, strike line 1 through line 11 and insert:"Fund is solely to offset the potential loss of any revenue to the Commonwealth, either directly or indirectly related to any actions of the United States Congress as part of any federal budget reductions.  In addition to the amounts appropriated herein, included in the FACT Fund is the balance of $22,500,000, which was appropriated in Item 470 K.1 of Chapter 2, 2012 Special Session I.  The first priority for the use of these funds shall be to ensure that the Commonwealth maintains sufficient funding to meet all required debt service payments appropriated in Item 280 of this act.  b.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph J.1.a., $6,213,496 from the FACT Fund shall be provided in the second year, in addition to the nongeneral fund amounts in Item 459.05 A. of this act, to meet the Commonwealth's contribution to address encroachment upon the United States Navy Master Jet Base Oceana pursuant to the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission recommendations.2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph J.1.a., up to $3,000,000 from the FACT Fund, to be matched dollar-for-dollar from sources other than state funds, shall be used to assist any Virginia locality in which a U.S. Air Force Base is located to mitigate adverse impacts on military operations and employment levels caused by encroachment of incompatible uses, in advance of further actions by the federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission or any similar federal actions.  Such funds shall only be used to purchase properties from willing sellers."

(This amendment provides that the FACT fund shall only be used to offset the potential loss of revenue to the Commonwealth as the result of federal budget reductions, with the exception that a portion is provided for mitigating encroachment around the United States Navy Master Jet Base and a U.S. Air Force Base.)