2013 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Committee Approved)

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Modify Language Pursuant to the Distribution of Fines and Fees (language only)

Item 3-6.05 #1h

Item 3-6.05 #1h

Adjustments and Modifications to Fees
Deposit of Fines and Fees

Page 492, line 16, after "treasury." insert:
"The State Comptroller shall promptly and without delay transmit any and all non-withheld local fees and fines to the locality's treasury not later than sixty (60) days after these fines and fees were deposited and recorded in the state treasury by the District Courts.  Furthermore, the State Comptroller and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall work with the  District Courts and the localities to develop a process to provide the localities a complete accounting of when these fees were collected."

(This amendment modifies language included in Chapter 3 pursuant to the distribution of local fines and fees from those localities where more than 50 percent of their collections were written to local ordinances. The new language is intended to clarify the timeliness of the reimbursement to the localities of their portion of the fines and fees.)