2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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Lang. - State Employees Receiving Salary Supplements from Localities (language only)

Item 468 #2c

Item 468 #2c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 358, after line 7, insert:
"O.  Any supplemental salary payment to a state employee or class of state employees by a local governing body shall be governed by a written agreement between the agency head of the employee or class of employees receiving the supplement and the chief executive officer of the local governing body.  Such agreement shall also be reviewed and approved by the Director of the State Department of Human Resource Management.  At a minimum, the agreement shall specify the percent of state salary or fixed amount of the supplement, the resultant total salary of the employee or class of employees, the frequency and method of payment to the agency of the supplement, and whether or not such supplement shall be included in the employee's state benefit calculations.  A copy of the agreement shall be made available annually to all employees receiving the supplement.  The receipt of a local salary supplement shall not subject employees to any personnel or payroll rules and practices other than those promulgated by the State Department of Human Resource Management."

(This amendment includes language establishing policies and procedures for state employees receiving a salary supplement from a locality.)