2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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Recover Costs of Legal Representation (language only)

Item 449 #1c

Item 449 #1c

Transportation, Department of

Page 340, after line 30, insert:
"E.  Out of the amount otherwise to be allocated to Arlington County for road maintenance pursuant to the provisions of §§ 33.1-23.1(A) and 33.1-23.5:1, $100,000 shall be transferred to Item 446 of this Act."

(This amendment transfers $100,000 of the amounts that would be allocated to Arlington County for roadway maintenance to the highway construction funding item. These funds are being transferred to reimburse the Commonwealth for legal fees it expended defending a former Secretary of Transportation who was sued in his personal capacity by Arlington County during his term of office and who was not dismissed from the case by Arlington even after his term of office expired. It is the belief of the Commonwealth that it is inappropriate for Arlington County to sue the former Secretary in his personal capacity and that this error was compounded when it failed to dismiss him from the suit when he left office.)