2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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I-95 Park and Ride Components (language only)

Item 446 #1c

Item 446 #1c

Transportation, Department of

Page 339, after line 6, insert:
"F.  Prior to annual adoption of the Six Year Improvement Program, the Commonwealth Transportation Board may allocate funding from the highway portion of the Transportation Trust Fund to undertake any park and ride lot improvements for the I-95 Corridor required pursuant to the Comprehensive Agreement for the I-95 High Occupancy Toll Lanes project."

(This amendment modifies language in the introduced budget to separate responsibility for subsidiary components of the I-95 HOT Lanes project between VDOT and DRPT according to the programs which each agency manages. A companion amendment to Item 441 sets out the activities which would be funded by DRPT.)