2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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Additional REF Flexibility for IPROC (language only)

Item 442 #2c

Item 442 #2c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 337, line 8, strike "." and insert:
", unless additional funding shall be required in either year for capital improvements between Petersburg and Richmond in conjunction with the acquisition of slots two and three for regional passenger rail service initiating in Norfolk.  Such request shall be made only if the Director notifies the Commonwealth Transportation Board of any verifiable action by any federal entity or agency, or any other state, to secure from CSX the slots Virginia would require for this service."

(This amendment authorizes the Commonwealth Transportation Board to transfer additional Rail Enhancement Funding to the Intercity Passenger Rail Operating and Capital Fund if funds are required for improvements related to the acquisition of slots two and three of the regional intercity passenger rail service originating in Norfolk.)