2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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HOT Lanes Park and Ride (language only)

Item 441 #1c

Item 441 #1c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 335, line 47, after "corridor." insert:
"Such costs shall include only direct transit capital and operating costs as well as transportation demand management activities.  Costs associated with additional park and ride lots required to be funded by the Commonwealth under the provisions of the Comprehensive Agreement for the Interstate 95 High Occupancy Toll Lanes project shall be borne by the Department of Transportation as set out in Item 446 of this act."

(This amendment modifies language included in the budget as introduced which states that transit improvements associated with the I-95 HOT lanes project shall be borne, respectively, by VDOT if the improvements are associated with park and ride lots traditionally funded by VDOT and by the Department of Rail and Transportation if the costs are associated with programs managed by the that department. A companion amendment to Item 446 specifies the costs which would be funded by VDOT.)