2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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Data Standards (language only)

Item 427 #3c

Item 427 #3c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Page 309, after line 21, insert:
"D.1. In order to minimize the cost of information systems development, the Secretary of Technology shall work with all Cabinet Secretaries and their agencies to develop Commonwealth data standards for citizen-centric data, personnel, recipient information, and other common sources of information gathered by the Commonwealth and in use by systems set out within this item.  Not later than November 1, 2012, the Secretary of Technology shall communicate an initial plan that will provide at least an estimated timetable, cost and description of the anticipated scope of the effort to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance.  A final plan, with a specified timetable and costs required to gather, approve and publish these standards, shall be communicated to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance by July 1, 2013.  In developing the plan, the Secretary of Technology shall use best practices, federal requirements, and existing data standards.  
2. Where active projects in this item, have implemented standardized data, the Secretary of Technology shall work with all Cabinet Secretaries and their agencies to determine if these standards should be adopted as Commonwealth data standards for use in active or future major IT projects or investments.  Where active projects in this item do not conform to the Commonwealth’s data standard, the Secretary of Technology shall include in the interim a plan for how the Secretary of Technology will identify data standards that should be adopted as Commonwealth data standards and the estimated cost of ensuring that each active IT project in the item complies with the Commonwealth data standard."
Line 22, strike "D.1." and insert "E.1."

(This amendment requires the Secretary of Technology to work with all cabinet secretaries to develop common data standards for citizen centric data and report by November 2012 on a timeline and cost estimate for implementation of these standards.)