2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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Care Coordination of High Need Medicaid Recipients (language only)

Item 307 #28c

Item 307 #28c

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 235, line 31, after ".", insert:
"The Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, shall establish a stakeholder advisory committee to support implementation of dual-eligible care coordination systems.  The advisory committee shall support the dual-eligible initiatives by identifying care coordination and quality improvement priorities, assisting in securing analytic and care management support resources from federal, private and other sources and helping design and communicate performance reports.  The advisory committee shall include representation from health systems, health plans, long-term care providers, health policy researchers, physicians, and others with expertise in serving the aged, blind, and disabled, and dual-eligible populations."

(This amendment adds language requiring the Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services to create an advisory committee to provide input on the implementation of a care coordination system for individuals who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.)