2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Clarification of Sales Tax Distribution (language only)

Item 139 #19c

Item 139 #19c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 105, line 42, strike "The" and insert:
"Notwithstanding §22.1-638 D., Code of Virginia, and other language in this item, the".
Page 105, line 45, strike "based on the latest yearly" and insert "in the first year based on the July 1, 2010,".
Page 105, line 46, after "Service", insert:
"and, in the second year, based on the the July 1, 2011, estimate of school age population provided by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service."
Page 105, line 47, strike "The" and insert:
"Notwithstanding §22.1-638 D., Code of Virginia, and other language in this item, the".
Page 105, line 49, strike "based on the latest" and insert "in the first year based on the July 1, 2010,".
Page 105, line 50, strike "yearly".
Page 105, line 51, after "Service", insert:
"and, in the second year, based on the the July 1, 2011, estimate of school age population provided by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service."

(This amendment specifically sets out in clarifying language as to which school age population estimate will be used for each year for the distribution of sales tax revenues to the school divisions.)