2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Committee Approved)


Item C-38.10 #1h

Item C-38.10 #1h

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2013 $27,500,000 FY2014 $0 GF

Page 382, after line 10, insert:
"A. The General Assembly hereby appropriates $27,500,000 from the general fund in the first year for the projects listed in this section.
Project Title
Department of Emergency Services
Earthquake Repairs Louisa County High School
Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
Roof Replacement Birdsall-Hoover Medical Administration Building 805
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Replace Roof 1985 Addition
Department of Corrections
Replace Mechanical Systems Baskerville
Department of Corrections
Replace Plumbing Systems at Baskerville
Department of Corrections
Roof Replacement  Keen Mountain
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
Road Wall and Sound Buffer
College of William and Mary
Construct Cooling Plant and Replace Utilities, Phase IV
College of William and Mary
Renovate the Brafferton and Brafferton Kitchen
Longwood University
New Biomass Boiler
University of Mary Washington
Improve stormwater management
James Madison University
Replace Boiler  & Infrastructure - Phase 1
James Madison University
Newman Lake Dam Repair
Richard Bland University
Umbrella Maintenance Project
University of Virginia at Wise
Dam Safety Modifications
B. Out of the amount provided in paragraph A, $2,000,000 the first year from the general fund is designated to the Department of Emergency Services and shall be paid to the County of Louisa for disaster relief for reconstruction of the Louisa County High School due to damage of this facility resulting from the Earthquake in August 2011."

"C-38.10 Capital Outlay Project Pool
Fund Sources: General

(This amendment provides $27.5 million of general fund to execute 15 repair and infrastructure projects.)