2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Committee Approved)

DHR Battlefield Preservation (language only)

Item C-33.50 #2h

Item C-33.50 #2h

Natural Resources
Historic Resources, Department of

Page 377, after line 21, insert:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the following provisions shall be implemented:
1. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall transfer $2,500,000 of the amount appropriated in Chapter 879, 2008 Acts of Assembly, for project 17597 (Preservation of Open Space and Historic resources Through Conservation) for the Civil War Site Preservation Fund and expended in accordance with the purposes and requirements of § 10.1-2202.4 except that the funds shall be awarded only for the fee simple acquisition of battlefield lands for the benefit of the Commonwealth and its citizens.
2.  In its expenditure of the funds, the Department of Historic Resources may give priority to the establishment of a public battlefield interpretive park to be located in a jurisdiction served by the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority and operated by such Authority.  The Department of Historic Resources may waive the match requirement of § 10.1-2202.4C in conjunction with the funding of such park."

(This amendment provides authority to utilize unspent bond proceeds provided for open space preservation for Civil War battlefield preservation.)