Language Page 377, after line 21 insert:"A. A total of $89,500,000 the second year is hereby authorized for issuance by the Virginia Public Building Authority pursuant to §2.2-2263 of the Code of Virginia, for nutrient removal at certain publically owned treatment works, as set forth herein.B. 1. Included in the amounts for this Item is $89,500,000 in the second year for certain Virginia Water Quality Improvement Grants pursuant to Article 4 (§ 10.1-2128 et seq.) of Chapter 21.1 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia. Such grants shall be used exclusively to fund a portion of some or all of the acquisition, design, construction, installation, equipage, improvement, or renovation of nutrient removal technology for significant dischargers contained in subsection E of § 10.1-1186.01 and eligible nonsignificant dischargers as defined in § 10.1-1186.01. In addition to these projects, the Broadway Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant, owned by the Town of Broadway, in the Shenandoah Potomac River Basin shall all be eligible for grants. However, no project listed in § 10.1-1186.01 that have been deemed complete by the Department of Environmental Quality shall be eligible for additional funding pursuant to this Item.2. The net proceeds of bonds issued to make grants for nutrient removal technology pursuant to subdivision 1 shall be deposited in a separate account in the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund, pursuant to § 10.1-2128 of the Code of Virginia. Upon certification to the Virginia Public Building Authority by the Department of Environmental Quality that a project qualifies for such a grant of the proposed amount and purpose of such grant, the Authority shall cause the disbursement of bond proceeds to fund such grant, but only to the extent of available funds therefore." "C-33.50 Eligible Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades $89,500,000 Fund Sources: Bond Proceeds $89,500,000"
Explanation(This amendment provides VPBA financing to continue wastewater treatment plant upgrade projects authorized originally by Chapter 900 of the 2007 Acts of Assembly and adds one additional project to the list of eligible projects.)