2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1301 (Committee Approved)

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UVA HAC Package

Item 195 #2h

Item 195 #2h

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Education: Higher Education
University of Virginia FY2013 $107,870 FY2014 $1,633,488 GF

Page 149, line 33, strike "$527,536,662" and insert "$527,644,532".
Page 149, line 33, strike "$527,551,709" and insert "$529,185,197".
Page 150, line 17, strike "$974,176" and "$974,176" and insert:
"$1,044,176" and "$1,044,176".
Page 151, strike lines 17 through 28 and insert:
"M.1. Out of this appropriation, $1,894,295 each year from the general fund is designated for base operating support to increase the number of full-time faculty, support operations and maintenance of new facilities and existing centers, and support increased library and technology costs.
2.  Out of this appropriation, $895,419 each year from the general fund is designated to continue the increase in access for in-state undergraduate students begun in the 2011 Session and support the projected increase in transfer students.
N. 1. Out of this appropriation, $852,223 each year from the general fund which shall be matched with a reallocation of $1,070,623 each year from current educational and general program funds is designated to achieve the goals of the six-year academic plan submitted by the University of Virginia in the fall 2011.  The University of Virginia shall utilize these funds to increase degree production in STEM disciplines,
to develop a center of logistics research at Fort Lee in cooperation with Virginia State University and the Longwood University
and to continue growth of degree programs with an online component including the Commonwealth Graduate Engineering Program, Produced in Virginia program, Master of Education partnership with Teach for America and the Global Executive MBA programs.
2. Out of this appropriation, $218,400 each year from the general fund is designated to develop a summer STEM experience program in partnership with the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and the National Institute of Aerospace.  The program will provide hands-on experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematics for 120 students.  The Virginia Space Grant Consortium will work with the University of Virginia to identify the students and collect program evaluation data.
O. Out of this appropriation, $1,525,618 the second year from the general fund is designated to support faculty and classified salary increases under the process authorized in Item 468.10 of this act."

(This amendment reflects adjustments to higher education funding to allow colleges to achieve the goals and objectives contained in their six year academic and financial plans. Specifically, the funding will provide for enrollment growth, improving retention and graduation rates, targeted initiatives and incentives related to the Top Jobs for the 21st Century legislation and reallocation requirements within current resources. The funding provided to the colleges will also support an average two percent compensation increase for faculty and staff.)