2012 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1300 (Committee Approved)

GMU Point of View Project (language only)

Item C-20.50 #1h

Item C-20.50 #1h

Education: Higher Education
George Mason University

Page 170, after line 2, insert:
"A. George Mason University is authorized to proceed with the construction of the
Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (16835) project within the funding previously authorized.  The project includes 27,000 square feet for a conference center / academic facility, a wastewater treatment facility and residential space for faculty, students and guests.
B. George Mason University shall provide a semiannual report on the project status to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Finance Committee until project completion."

"C-20.50 Construct Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (16835)

(This amendment modifies the scope of a previously approved project at George Mason University.)