2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Houck
Local Aid Reversion (language only)

Item 473.10 #2s

Item 473.10 #2s

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 415, delete lines 21 through 55.
Page 416, delete lines 1 through 7.
Page 415, after line 20 insert:
"A. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, in consultation with the Governor's Secretaries of Administration, Education, Finance, Health and Human Resources, and Public Safety, shall transfer the following amounts from these secretariats to this Item:
Administration  $30,076,612
Education  $802,988
Finance  $1,349,072
Health and Human Resources  $14,940,165
Public Safety  $12,831,163
B. The Director shall transfer appropriations to this Item from programs identified by the Director and Secretaries as programs providing financial assistance to localities. The amounts to be transferred to this item shall represent allocations of financial assistance appropriated and distributed to Virginia cities and counties from programs included in Part 1 of this Act.
C. The Director shall effect the transfers by July 1, 2011 and July 1, 2012, and shall inform the chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees which programs were selected and the amounts of the reductions."

(This amendment replaces the current process used to allocate state funding reductions to localities. Cities and counties would not 1) receive individual reduction targets developed by DPB, 2) have to select which state assistance program to be reduced, 3) have to determine the amount of reduction from each state assistance program, and 4) have to make these choices after the local fiscal year has already begun. The state would realize administrative savings from this amendment because fewer man-hours would be needed to determine city and county reduction targets and to collect the state appropriations from the affected localities.)