2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Correct the Distribution of E-911 Grant Funding (language only)

Item 431 #1c

Item 431 #1c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Page 352, line 36, strike the second "$2,734,309" and insert "$6,734,309".
Page 352, line 38, strike the second "$30,540,251" and insert "$27,740,251".
Page 352, line 42, strike the second "$6,191,968" and insert "$4,991,968".

(The introduced budget included an amendment to redistribute funds among three E-911 service areas in the second year. This was done to conform to recently established policy set by the Wireless Emergency-911 Services Board, where E-911 grant program funds are to be taken from the core service area rather than spread amongst the three service areas. Associated language changes were made, but erroneously, the changes to service area amounts were not reflected in the bill. This amendment correctly redistributes E-911 appropriations based on policy approved by the Wireless Emergency-911 Services Board. Though the redistributions result in a zero-sum, they will ensure the transparent allocation of service grants to E-911 service centers and wireless providers.)