2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Evaluation of VJCCCA Grants (language only)

Item 399 #3c

Item 399 #3c

Public Safety
Juvenile Justice, Department of

"Page 338, after line 38, insert:
"d.  The Department of Juvenile Justice, with the assistance of the Department of Correctional Education, the Department of Corrections, the Virginia Council on Juvenile Detention, juvenile court service unit directors, juvenile and domestic relations district court judges, and juvenile justice advocacy groups, shall provide a report on the types of programs supported by the Juvenile Community Crime Control Act and whether the youth participating in such programs are statistically less likely to be arrested, adjudicated or convicted, or incarcerated for either misdemeanors or crimes that would otherwise be considered felonies if committed by an adult."

(This amendment provides for a report from the Department of Juvenile Justice in concert with other state agencies, the juvenile and domestic relations district court judges, and juvenile justice advocacy groups about the types of programs supported by juvenile crime control grants and whether the youth in these programs are statistically less likely to be arrested, convicted, or incarcerated for misdemeanors and crimes that would be felonies if committed by adults.)