2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Reallocation of DEQ WQIF Deposit (language only)

Item 357 #3c

Item 357 #3c

Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of

Page 310, line 9, after "1997.", strike remainder of line.
Page 310, strike lines 10 through 12, and insert:
"Of this amount, $546,645 shall be deposited to the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund Reserve pursuant to paragraph B. of Item 349 of this act."

(This amendment eliminates language that prohibited any portion of the year-end general fund surplus deposited into the Water Quality Improvement Fund from being transferred to the Water Quality Improvement Fund Reserve Fund. This reserve fund was established as a means to continue improving Virginia's water quality when either year-end general fund surpluses or other appropriations were unavailable. The amount to be transferred to the WQIF Reserve Fund from year-end general fund surpluses is 15 percent, which totals $546,645.)