2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Center for Coldwater Restoration (language only)

Item 349 #1c

Item 349 #1c

Natural Resources
Natural Resources, Secretary of

Page 303, after line 29, insert:
"C.  The Secretary of Natural Resources shall evaluate the expiration of leases for office space assigned to state agencies under his purview to determine the possibility of relocating any of the offices or staff within a renovated facility developed to serve as a Center for Coldwaters Restoration along the South River in downtown Waynesboro.
2.  The Secretary may approach public colleges and universities about the possibility of locating any of those institutions' freshwater species, habitat, or pollution research activities to the renovated facility."

(This amendment directs the Secretary of Natural Resources to evaluate any leases that may be expiring to determine if those agencies or staff under his purview could be relocated in a facility renovated to serve as a Coldwaters Restoration facility. The Secretary may also approach public colleges and universities to determine if they would be amenable to locating their freshwater species, habitat, or pollution research programs to this facility.)