2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Full-Time Virtual School Programs (language only)

Item 132 #7c

Item 132 #7c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 108, after line 13, insert:
"f. (i) For fiscal year 2011, March 31 average daily membership in the full-time virtual public school program that operated in the first year and that enrolled out-of-division students that counted for state funding purposes as students residing in the school division operating the program, shall be capped at 350 students.  (ii) For fiscal year 2012, the state's share of SOQ per pupil funding for any full-time virtual public school program that enrolls out-of-division students shall be based on the composite index of the enrolling student’s locality of residence, consistent with the state share of funding that would have been provided had the student enrolled in their resident school division.  The state's funding for out-of-division students enrolled in full-time virtual public school programs shall be based on March 31 average daily membership and shall consist only of SOQ per funding based on the SOQ per pupil funding amounts of the division operating the program. Calculations of Required Local Effort shall be based on the composite index of the enrolling division operating the program and shall be the responsibility of the enrolling division operating the program."

(This amendment: (i) for fiscal year 2011 caps the 100 percent state-funded enrollment in the full-time on-line program currently operating through Carroll County at no more than 350 students, consistent with its enrollment level as of January 2011 and (ii) for fiscal year 2012 state SOQ per pupil funding provided for out-of-division students enrolled in full-time virtual programs will be based on the composite index of the student's locality of residence.)