2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

SOE- Extension (language only)

Item 121 #1c

Item 121 #1c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Secretary of

Page 97, after line 37, insert:
"D.1. The Secretary of Education shall evaluate the organizational structure of Virginia Cooperative Extension.  The analysis shall include a presentation of the advantages and disadvantages of the current organizational structure for Virginia Cooperative Extension as compared to the organization structure prior to the merger of the research and extension divisions.  In addition, the Secretary of Education shall conduct a thorough analysis of Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station operations.  The Secretary shall determine appropriate reporting requirements for the agency so that the source of funds and the activities that the funds support are transparent.  This examination will provide a thorough analysis of Cooperative Extension finances including (a) historical spending by fund source (state, local, federal) and type (teaching, research, extension) since 1990; and (b) on-campus extension spending which examines research products produced, the cost of each product, the distribution of the research to the field extension offices and administrative overhead.
2. The Secretary of Education shall report the findings to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, 2011."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)