2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Shift Portion of Funding for Site Redevelopment

Item 100 #2c

Item 100 #2c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Commerce And Trade
Housing and Community Development, Department of FY2011 $0 FY2012 ($3,000,000) GF

Page 81, line 46, strike "$59,389,810" and insert "$56,389,810".
Page 84, line 41, strike "$4,000,000" and insert "$1,000,000".
Page 84, line 41, after "general fund", insert:
"and amounts generated from the sale of surplus state property in the second year pursuant to the provisions of § 2.2-1156, Code of Virginia, that otherwise would have been returned to the general fund, provided such amount does not exceed $2,000,000".

(This amendment reduces the general fund appropriation requested for the Derelict Structures Fund managed by the Department of Housing and Community Development. Retained is $1.0 million from the general fund to recapitalize this fund as well as any amount up to $2.0 million generated from the sale of surplus property that would otherwise revert to the general fund. This does not impact amounts set aside under existing law for the Conservation Resources Fund.)