2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Higher Education - Fund Base Operating and Technology

Item 465.10 #2s

Item 465.10 #2s

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2011 $0 FY2012 $26,177,126 GF

Page 400, line 2, strike "$50,000,000" and insert "$76,177,126".
Page 400, after line 6, insert:
"A. Consistent with the goals of achieving 100,000 additional degrees over fifteen years and increasing access to higher education, this item includes $26,177,126 the second year from the general fund.  From this amount, funding of $23,077,126 is provided for strengthening the base operations of the public higher education institutions, and $3,100,000 for academic transformation through the use of technology and to enhance availability of on-line courses.
Institutions should examine their practices to enhance student enrollment, retention, and graduation, with a focus on increasing the number of students majoring in STEM and health care disciplines, as well as appropriately strengthening their base operations.   Allocations are as follows:
Institution FY 2012 Base Adequacy Allocation
Christopher Newport University $411,039
College of William and Mary $150,000
George Mason University $2,829,018
James Madison University $1,691,309
Longwood University $389,306
University of Mary Washington $434,948
Norfolk State University $487,124
Old Dominion University $1,620,054
Radford University $693,232
University of Virginia $150,000
University of Virginia - Wise $150,000
Virginia Commonwealth University $3,457,121
Virginia Military Institute $150,000
Virginia State University $444,661
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University $3,799,403
Richard Bland College $150,000
Virginia Community College System $6,069,911
Total $23,077,126
B. Public institutions of higher education may provide proposals to the Secretary of Education for potential use of the $3,100,000 for academic transformation through the use of technology and to enhance availability of on-line courses.   The secretary shall evaluate any proposals, with consultation from staff of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, House Appropriations Committee, Senate Finance Committee, and the Department of Planning and Budget, and determine the appropriate distribution of the funding.  The criteria to award funding shall be consistent with the recommendations of the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education Reform, Innovation and Investment and legislation resulting from the commission’s recommendations. "

(This amendment provides funding of almost $23.1 million GF for base adequacy at public higher education institutions and $3.1 million GF for on-line courses and academic transformation in FY 2012.)