2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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VRS Service Credit (language only)

Item 4-6.03 #1s

Item 4-6.03 #1s

Positions and Employment
Employee Benefits

Page 510, following line 45, insert:
"j.  Any employee in the Legislative Branch of government who (i) has 28 years or more of creditable service, (ii) is not enrolled in the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program, and (iii) retires directly from service  shall be entitled to have their sick leave balance counted toward that person's creditable service in the Virginia Retirement System in lieu of any cash payout.  The cost of such additional creditable service shall be as provided for in Item 469, paragraph N, of this act."

(This amendment allows certain employees of the Legislative Branch of government to convert sick leave balances to retirement service credit upon retirement.)