2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Drivers License Reinstatement Fee Transfer - Trauma Centers (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #4s

Item 3-1.01 #4s

Interfund Transfers

Page 458, strike lines 2 through 4 and insert:
"Y.  On or before June 30, 2011, the State Comptroller shall transfer $9,055,000 to the general fund from the Trauma Center Fund contained in the Department of Health's Financial Assistance for Non Profit Emergency Medical Services Organizations and Localities (40203).  Beginning July 1, 2011, the State Comptroller shall transfer quarterly, one-half of the revenue received pursuant to Section 18.2-270.01, of the Code of Virginia and consistent with the provisions of Section 3-6.03 of this Act, to the general fund in an amount not to exceed $9,055,000 from the Trauma Center Fund contained in the Department of Health's Financial Assistance for Non Profit Emergency Medical Services Organizations and Localities (40203)."

(This amendment replaces language already included in the budget regarding the annual transfer of $9.1 million from Drivers License Reinstatement Fee Revenues to the general fund. Currently, $9.1 million must be transferred to the general fund before being distributed to the Trauma Center Fund. The proposed amendment splits the revenue equally to the general fund and Trauma Center Fund with the amount that can be transferred to the general fund capped at $9.1 million.)