2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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State Personal Responsibility Education Program

Item 286 #3s

Item 286 #3s

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Health And Human Resources
Health, Department of FY2011 $0 FY2012 ($382,688) GF
FY2011 $1,284,733 FY2012 ($507,285) NGF

Page 239, line 9, strike "$115,483,364" and insert "$116,768,097".
Page 239, line 9, strike "$114,221,975" and insert "$113,332,002".
Page 240, after line 7, insert:
"F.  Out of this appropriation, $1,284,733 the first year from nongeneral funds shall be used to implement the State Personal Responsibility Education Program.  At least thirty days prior to implementation, the Commissioner shall report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees how these funds will be used to educate adolescents on abstinence and contraception and at least three of the adult preparation skills required under the federal grant."

(This amendment removes $382,688 from the general fund and $507,285 in federal matching funds for abstinence-based prevention activities. Instead the amendment adds $1.3 million in federal funding that requires no state general fund match for the State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP). The available funding shall be used to educate adolescents on both abstinence and contraception to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and at least three of the following adulthood preparation subjects: 1) healthy relationships, 2) adolescent development, 3) financial literacy, 4) parent-child communication, 5) educational and career success, and 6) healthy life skills such as goal-setting, stress management and interpersonal skills. All programs must replicate “evidence-based" programs or incorporate elements of effective programs based on scientific research to change behavior).