2011 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Conference Report)

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Reappropriations of General Fund Revenue (language only)

Item 4-1.05 #1c

Item 4-1.05 #1c

Reversion of Appropriations and Reappropriations

Page 476, strike lines 25 through 29 and insert:
"1.a)  General fund appropriations which remain unexpended on (i) the last day of the previous biennium or (ii) the last day of the first year of the current biennium, shall be reappropriated and allotted for expenditure where required by the Code of Virginia, or where necessary for the payment of preexisting obligations for the purchase of goods or services.  With the exception of the unexpended general fund appropriations of agencies in the Legislative Department, the Judicial Department, or Independent Agencies, or institutions of higher education, all other such unexpended general fund appropriations unexpended on the last day of the previous biennium or the the last day of the first year of the current biennium shall revert to the general fund."

(This amendment provides that all agency year-end general fund balances, except where required by the Code of Virginia, to pay preexisting obligations for the purchase of goods or services, shall be reverted to the general fund. The language exempts year-end general fund balances of agencies assigned to the Legislative and Judicial Departments, the Independent Agencies, and institutions of higher education.)