2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Howell
Co-Patron(s): Colgan, Norment, Quayle, Watkins
JYF - Fee-Based Programs and Web-Site

Item 227 #1s

Item 227 #1s

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Education: Other
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation FY2011 $363,000 FY2012 $0 GF

Page 149, line 2, strike "$14,864,935" and insert "$15,227,935".

(This amendment adds $297,000 for fee-based public programming, for front-line wages for interpretive programming, costuming supplies and laundry, and exhibit and grounds maintenance, and $66,000 for web content development, graphic design and Web support in FY 2011. This action would hold general fund reductions to the FY 2010 level and is intended to help maintain the generation of nongeneral fund revenues, which provide 59 percent of the agency's operating budget and bring tourism dollars to the area and state.)