2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Capital Program (language only)

Item C-85 #1c

Item C-85 #1c

Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay

Page 362, after line 32, insert:
"Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation (425)
           Construct Yorktown Museum (17626)".
Page 363, strike lines 23 through 24 and insert:
"Priority 4: Construction funds for projects with completed planning
Priority 5: Improvements: Energy Conservation
E.1. The projects listed in paragraph B of this item include funds to complete planning through working drawings.  The Secretary of Finance shall provide funding through the bond authorization upon completion of the plan in paragraph D.
2. In accordance with § 2.2-1516, each institution shall submit their planning documents to the Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan Advisory Committee for review.  Projects contained in this item shall proceed according to §§ 2.2-1516 through 2.2-1520."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)