2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Benefit Changes

Item 469 #3c

Item 469 #3c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2011 $36,566,468 FY2012 $32,210,118 GF

Page 327, line 15, strike "($38,270,141)" and insert "($1,703,673)".
Page 327, line 15, strike "$11,041,200" and insert "$43,251,318".
Page 328, strike lines 50 through 53 and insert:
"H.1.  On July 1, 2010, the State Comptroller shall establish a fund on the books of the Commonwealth to be known as the Virginia Retirement System Suspense Payment Fund.  For the purposes of the provisions of § 2.2-813, Code of Virginia, this fund shall be considered part of the general fund and shall contain all payments made to it by agencies of the Commonwealth and any appropriations or other deposits directed to be made to it by the General Assembly.  Within this fund, the State Comptroller shall establish separate fund details for each of the programs (retirement, group life insurance, retiree health care credit, and the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program) for which payment is required to be made to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS).  All funds remaining in this fund at the close of any fiscal year shall become part of the general fund balance.
2.  Effective July 1, 2010, any agency that participates in a program sponsored by VRS shall make its contribution payment for each program to the Department of Accounts for deposit into the Virginia Retirement System Suspense Payment Fund.  Such payments may be made either by payment through the state’s payroll system or by direct payment from the agency.  Payments made to the Department of Accounts shall be based upon the funded rates which are set out below:

RetirementFY 2011FY 2012
Regular VRS6.58%6.58%
Other Post Employment Benefits
Group Life1.02%1.02%
Retiree Health Care Credit0.99%0.99%
Virginia Sickness and Disability Program


3. Out of the general fund appropriation for this item is included $6,839,113 the first year and $7,136,455 the second year from the general fund to support the general fund portion of the net costs resulting from changes in employer contributions for state employee retirement as provided in the above table.
4. Pursuant to § 3-1.01 of this act, amounts estimated at $258,636 the first year and $269,882 the second year shall be transferred from eligible nongeneral fund accounts to the general fund, representing nongeneral fund savings associated with reductions in employer contributions for the Virginia Law Officers Retirement System as provided in the above table.
5.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold and transfer to this item, amounts estimated at $983,313 the first year and $1,026,049 the second year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing the net savings resulting from changes in contribution rates for state employee Other Post Employment Benefits as provided in the above table.
6.  Pursuant to § 3-1.01 of this act, amounts estimated at $4,855,893 the first year and $5,066,977 the second year shall be transferred from eligible nongeneral fund accounts to the general fund, representing nongeneral fund savings associated with savings resulting from changes in contribution rates for state employee Other Post Employment Benefits as provided in the above table.
I.  The payments prescribed in paragraph H.2. above shall be made according to a schedule approved by the State Comptroller for each agency.
1.  From these funds, the State Comptroller shall make payment to VRS for all programs in accordance with the rates approved by the General Assembly and set out below:

RetirementFY 2011FY 2012
Regular VRS2.13%2.08%
Other Post Employment Benefits
Group Life0.33%0.33%
Retiree Health Care Credit0.10%0.10%
Virginia Sickness and Disability Program


Such payment shall be made after the tenth day following the close of each quarter of the fiscal year.
2.  The State Comptroller shall transfer any excess balances paid into the fund that are not needed to make the payments set out in paragraph 1 above and that are attributable to federal trust funds, transportation funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation, bond funded capital projects, and the appropriate federal portion of Internal Service funds to the agencies and fund sources from which they were derived.
3.  Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, on or before June 30 of each fiscal year, the State Comptroller shall deposit to the general fund all excess balances in the fund, less any amounts needed to make payments pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 above.  Such deposits are estimated at $245,727,423 the first year and $258,333,980 the second year.  These amounts represent the savings associated with reduced employer contribution rates for retirement, group life insurance, retiree health care credit, and the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program for these fiscal years.
4.  Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the State Comptroller shall have broad authority to establish the policies and procedures needed to execute the provisions of this section in order to maintain its intended objective and to comply with any accounting standards or requirements of federal law.
J.1 Retirement contribution rates paid for public school teachers, excluding the five percent employee portion, shall be 4.01 percent in the first year and 5.31 percent in the second year.
2. Contribution rates paid for public school teachers for the retiree health care credit shall be 0.60 percent in the first and the second year.
K.1  Pursuant to the enactment of House Bill 1189, 2010 Session of the General Assembly, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold and transfer to this item, amounts estimated at $4,283,243 the first year and $11,491,947 the second year, from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings from the provision requiring employees hired on or after July 1, 2010, with no prior service, to pay the five percent employee contribution for their retirement benefit.
2.  Pursuant to § 3-1.01 of this act, amounts estimated at $2,890,092 the first year and $8,370,859 the second year shall be transferred from eligible nongeneral fund accounts to the general fund, representing nongeneral fund savings associated with the requirement for new employees to pay the 5 percent employee contribution.
L.1  Pursuant to the enactment of House Bill 1189 of the 2010 General Assembly Session, the Director of Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold and transfer to this item, amounts estimated at $379,321 the first year and $716,999 the second year, from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings from the provision decreasing the state's contribution into the optional retirement plans for employees hired on or after July 1, 2010, with no prior service.
2.  Pursuant to § 3-1.01 of this act, amounts estimated at $414,365 the first year and $793,825 the second year shall be transferred from eligible nongeneral fund accounts to the general fund, representing nongeneral fund savings associated with the decrease in the contribution rates into the optional retirement plans for employees hired on or after July 1, 2010, with no prior service.
M.1 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, any references to a period of 14 days or a period of 28 days in §§ 51.1-1111, -1112, -1122, and -1123 of the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP) are hereby changed to a period of 45 days.  Moreover, the period of 45 days shall be consecutive days that the participating employee is (i) actively at work and (ii) fully released to return to work full time, full duty.   The Virginia Retirement System shall develop policies and procedures to administer the effects of the 45-day period in connection with participants who are deemed to have a major chronic condition.
2. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, any eligible employee commencing employment or re-employment on or after July 1, 2009, shall not be entitled to receive Virginia Sickness and Disability Program benefits under Article 3, Chapter 11, Title 51.1, Code of Virginia, (Nonwork Related Disability Benefits) until the employee completes one continuous year of active employment or re-employment.
3. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, for all eligible employees commencing employment or re-employment on or after July 1, 2009, short-term disability coverage under the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program shall provide income replacement for no more than 60 percent of a participating employee’s creditable compensation for the first 60 months of continuous state service after employment or re-employment.
N. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2.2-3205(A), Code of Virginia, the terminating agency shall not be required to pay the Virginia Retirement System the costs of enhanced retirement benefits provided for in § 2.2-3204(A), Code of Virginia.  Instead, the entire cost of such benefits for involuntarily separated employees shall be factored into the employer contribution rates paid to the Virginia Retirement System beginning with the June 30, 2011, actuarial valuation.
O.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the State Comptroller shall delay the transfer of all employer-paid retirement contributions under all defined benefit plans administered by VRS for the final five paydays of fiscal years 2011 and 2012 to fiscal years 2012 and 2013 respectively.  The applicable transfers shall occur no later than July 10, 2011, and July 10, 2012, respectively.
2. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold and transfer to this item amounts estimated at $14,399,470 the first year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings from the delay in payments provided for in this paragraph."
Page 329, strike lines 1 through 54.
Page 330, strike lines 1 through 55.
Page 331, strike lines 1 through 42.
Page 331, line 43, strike "N." and insert "P.".
Page 333, strike lines 25 through  42.

(This amendment deletes language included in the introduced budget related to changes to the Virginia Retirement System. The funding adjustments reflected in the amendment include (a) the restoration of savings assumed in the introduced budget from requiring current state employees (in regular VRS and the ORPs) to pay 1 percent and 2 percent of their member contributions in fiscal year 2011 and fiscal year 2012 respectively; (b) savings assumed as a result of requiring new employees to pay the 5% employee contribution; (c) savings as a result of lowering the ORP contribution rate for new employees, and (d) an adjustment to the savings assumed for fiscal year 2011 from the proposal to record the 4th quarter VRS payments in July. In addition, the amendment includes language which realizes savings of $464.9 million over the biennium resulting from a proposal to reimburse the VRS using the the "normal rate" for the state employee retirement in both years, and for teacher retirement the "normal rate" the first year and the "normal rate" plus 20 percent of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability in the second year, with the rates adjusted to reflect the savings pursuant to the passage of HB 1189 and SB 232. The contribution rate paid to VRS for the state employee group life program in this amendment is intended to represent the employee share of the contribution rate proposed in the introduced budget. The rates included in this amendment represent an estimate of the rate policies proposed in this amendment.)