2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Roanoke-Lynchburg Express Bus (language only)

Item 448 #2c

Item 448 #2c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 312, after line 40, insert:
"D. Not later than December 31, 2010, the Director shall provide the Commonwealth Transportation Board an assessment of the anticipated ridership and funding required to support a pilot project of daily bus connector service from the Roanoke Valley to the Kemper Street Station in Lynchburg as part of the on-going three year passenger rail demonstration project.  Any support of this transit connector service shall be terminated if the Route 29 rail corridor project is not continued at the conclusion of the three year demonstration period."

(This amendment directs the DRPT to work with the City of Roanoke and local transit providers to identify funding and positions for a pilot program providing commuter bus connector service between Roanoke and the Kemper Street Station in Lynchburg as part of the on-going passenger rail demonstration project.)