2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Restructuring Plan for VITA (language only)

Item 434 #3c

Item 434 #3c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Page 303, after line 22, insert:
"H.1.  The Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth (CIO) shall implement actions as necessary to reduce staffing levels and functions of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) pursuant to the terms and limitations set forth in the following paragraphs and in compliance with the intent and provisions of this act.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to transfer appropriations in this act as necessary to carry out the budget reductions resulting from this item.
2.  In carrying out any reductions resulting from this item, the actions implemented will be based on a "Restructuring Plan for the Virginia Information Technologies Agency" developed by the CIO not later October 31, 2010.  The CIO shall present the proposed Restructuring Plan to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House General Laws and Technology, Senate General Laws, and Senate Finance Committees prior to approval by the Secretary of Technology.  The Plan shall include the specific actions enumerated below.  Implementation of these actions shall begin in fiscal year 2011 and continue through fiscal year 2012.  The Plan shall be phased so as to ensure that necessary overhead savings are achieved to meet the budgetary reductions set out in other items of this act.
3. Such plan shall:
a.  Ensure that the actions of VITA are focused on 1.) the timely completion of all transition and transformation activities as currently defined in the comprehensive infrastructure agreement (“contract”) or any successor contract for the operations of the Commonwealth’s information technology infrastructure; 2.) provide for dedicated resources to manage any outsourcing contracts valued at more than $1 million annually; 3.) improve the security of information technology used by State agencies; and 4.) continue progress toward the completion of enterprise applications projects undertaken by VITA and other State agencies.
b.  Set service and staffing levels for VITA programs that have clear and measurable performance requirements; are clearly linked to the goals set forth in this item; and are included in discrete cost centers.
c.  Reconfigure, including the elimination and consolidation of organizational units, to achieve at least a 30 percent reduction in the number of total directorates, including those units supported by nongeneral fund sources.  In planning for these reductions, the CIO shall evaluate the potential for implementing a human resources service bureau with the Department of Human Resource Management; the potential for transferring Supply Chain Management responsibilities to the Department of General Services, and the long-term viability of the Enterprise Applications Division.
d.  As part of the consolidation of directorates, ensure that the supervisory layers between the lowest line staff and the CIO shall be no more than four;
e.  use an objective methodology on which to base all actions and take no actions until customer input has been considered; and
f.  ensure that appropriate accountability, compliance, and oversight by auditors is conducted on all programs and functions on a periodic basis.
4. On July 1 and January 1 of each year, the CIO shall provide a progress report detailing each action and its impact on the VITA budget to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House General Laws and Technology, Senate General Laws, and Senate Finance Committees.  Such reports shall include a detailed enumeration of progress that has been made to reduce the agency’s expenditure levels in order to meet the reduction levels required by this item, an update on the next phase of actions planned to address the reductions, any obstacles encountered in implementing these reductions, and any adjustments to the Plan."

(This amendment directs the Virginia Information Technologies Agency to develop a plan for restructuring the agency that reduces the overall span of control by reducing the number of directorates and layers of management. The plan is to be presented to the Governor and the General Assembly by October 31, 2010 and VITA is required to provide a progress report on the reorganization on July 1 and January 1 of each year of the biennium.)