2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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DJJ Central Office Reduction

Item 401 #1c

Item 401 #1c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Public Safety
Juvenile Justice, Department of FY2011 ($400,000) FY2012 ($400,000) GF
FY2011 -3.00 FY2012 -3.00 FTE

Page 269, line 38, strike "$17,082,177" and insert "$16,682,177".
Page 269, line 38, strike "$17,082,177" and insert "$16,682,177".
Page 269, after line 49, insert:
"In implementing the position reductions contained in this item, the Department of Juvenile Justice shall develop a plan, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Safety, to reduce administrative expenses, including three management level positions in the central office so as to increase management span of control, and other expenses as necessary.  Copies of this plan shall be provided to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by July 15, 2010."

(This amendment reduces the agency's budget by $400,000 and three positions each year from the general fund.)