2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Study of Potential Re-Use of Natural Bridge (language only)

Item 400 #1c

Item 400 #1c

Public Safety
Juvenile Justice, Department of

Page 269, after line 37, insert:
"C. The Department of Juvenile Justice, with the assistance of the Department of General Services, the Department of Historic Resources, and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall work with the County of Rockbridge and other appropriate local entities to address the future use of the property comprising the Natural Bridge Juvenile Correctional Center.  A report outlining potential options for re-use and redevelopment of this property shall be provided to the Governor, the Secretaries of Public Safety, Administration, Natural Resources, and Commerce and Trade, and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees, by October 1, 2010."

(This amendment provides for a study of potential options for the re-use or redevelopment of Natural Bridge Juvenile Correctional Center.)