2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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FMAP-Indigent Care Funding at State Teaching Hospitals

Item 297 #7c

Item 297 #7c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2011 ($7,100,000) FY2012 ($7,100,000) GF

Page 196, line 50, strike "$6,806,326,159" and insert "$6,799,226,159".
Page 196, line 50, strike "$7,272,405,030" and insert "$7,265,305,030".
Page 197, strike lines 34 through 51 and insert:
"E.1.  Included in this appropriation is $63,991,631 from the general fund and $72,805,362 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $69,559,795 from the general fund and $78,727,642 from nongeneral funds in the second year to reimburse the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System for indigent health care costs. This funding is composed of disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, indirect medical education (IME) payments, and any Medicaid profits realized by the Health System. Payments made from the federal DSH fund shall be made in accordance with 42 USC 1396r-4.  In order to receive the nongeneral funds in excess of the amount of the general fund appropriated, the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System shall certify the public expenditure.  If there is an extension through June 30, 2011 of increased Federal Medical Assistance Percentage established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the reduction of $4,445,409 from the general fund the first year and $4,444,189 from the general fund the second year shall not become effective.
2. Included in this appropriation is $38,212,827 from the general fund and $43,475,976 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $41,568,366 from the general fund and $47,046,997 from nongeneral funds in the second year to reimburse the University of Virginia Health System for indigent health care costs. This funding is comprised of disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, indirect medical education (IME) payments, and any Medicaid profits realized by the Health System. Payments made from the federal DSH fund shall be made in accordance with 42 USC 1396r-4. In order to receive the nongeneral funds in excess of the amount of the general fund appropriated, the University of Virginia University Health System shall certify the public expenditure.  If there is an extension through June 30, 2011 of increased Federal Medical Assistance Percentage established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the reduction of $2,654,591 from the general fund the first year and $2,655,811 from the general fund the second year shall not become effective."

(This amendment reduces funding of $7.1 million each year to the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System and the University of Virginia Health System for indigent health care costs. Language is added to restore this funding in the event that enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) available through federal ARRA legislation is extended by two quarters in fiscal year 2011.)