2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Correct Appropriation for Health Care Fund (language only)

Item 297 #36c

Item 297 #36c

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 197, line 3, strike "3,687,730,127" and insert "3,684,130,127".
Page 197, line 3, strike "3,556,875,399" and insert "3,553,275,399".

(This technical amendment corrects an error from the introduced budget by reducing the federal appropriation for Medicaid (transfers appropriation from fund group 1000 to 0900). The introduced budget included $3.6 million each year in new revenue to the Health Care Fund from the repeal of the dealer discount on tobacco taxes, but the appropriation was inadvertently added as federal appropriation. A separate amendment to this item restores funding for the dealer discount.)