2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Correct Distribution of Central Accounts Transfer

Item 297 #2c

Item 297 #2c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2011 ($890,977) FY2012 ($890,977) GF
FY2011 ($890,977) FY2012 ($890,977) NGF

Page 196, line 50, strike "$6,806,326,159" and insert "$6,804,544,205".
Page 196, line 50, strike "$7,272,405,030" and insert "$7,270,623,076".

(This technical amendment corrects the distribution of the central accounts transfer in the introduced budget for the Department of Medical Assistance Services. Out of a total reduction of $1,422,605 general fund in each year, $890,977 of that amount should have been transferred to the Medicaid program budget as opposed to the administrative budget where it was inadvertently applied. The corresponding federal funds are also redistributed to the proper program. This amendment reflects the reduction to the Medicaid program.)