2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Composite Index Hold Harmless

Item 132 #8c

Item 132 #8c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2011 $116,477,529 FY2012 $57,599,781 GF

Page 75, line 12, strike "$5,580,822,781" and insert "$5,697,300,310".
Page 75, line 12, strike "$5,780,481,577" and insert "$5,838,081,358".
Page 99, after line 36, insert:
"34.  Composite Index Hold Harmless
Out of this appropriation, $116,477,529 the first year from the general fund and $57,599,781 the second year from the general fund shall be used to provide hold harmless grants, for the loss in House Bill 30 (2010 Session) as introduced related to the change in the 2010-12 Composite Index of Local Ability-to-Pay, to the following school divisions as specified below.

FY 2011FY 2012
Albemarle5,228,328 2,626,949
Amelia322,339 158,514
Amherst36,741 18,139
Appomattox466,192 232,739
Augusta699,708 343,568
Bedford3,464,291 1,707,192
Bland66,093 32,902
Botetourt208,454 104,748
Brunswick184,116 90,608
Buchanan37,417 18,528
Buckingham469,200 230,713
Campbell743,808 367,065
Carroll246,592 121,808
Charles City23,966 11,761
Charlotte413,981 207,512
Chesterfield3,400,940 1,705,038
Craig53,515 26,593
Cumberland200,712 99,304
Dinwiddie302,930 157,410
Essex990,753 491,799
Floyd322,395 161,109
Fluvanna432,740 219,760
Franklin592,335 294,788
Giles118,743 58,814
Gloucester873,212 436,210
Grayson812,527 391,079
Greene579,568 285,417
Greensville107,609 52,989
Halifax1,487,093 732,631
Hanover742,523 365,475
Henrico1,364,288 682,415
Henry6,339 3,217
Highland104,845 49,814
Isle Of Wight774,454 387,384
James City2,341,737 1,189,424
King Queen306,206 146,893
King William537,170 269,093
Lancaster152,426 74,963
Lee361,360 177,576
Lunenburg190,732 92,823
Madison394,686 195,682
Mathews440,622 215,119
Mecklenburg1,516,329 748,244
Middlesex509,519 245,392
Montgomery279,563 139,096
Nelson25,073 12,095
New Kent419,908 212,176
Northumberland623,215 300,899
Nottoway518,117 256,257
Patrick63,166 31,071
Pittsylvania896,895 447,702
Powhatan460,520 230,578
Prince Edward552,142 270,735
Prince George654,594 346,255
Pulaski401,954 194,420
Richmond141,519 70,873
Roanoke879,525 432,294
Rockbridge534,184 257,184
Rockingham1,951,995 973,225
Russell75,886 37,619
Smyth228,332 112,025
Southampton638,140 319,913
Surry214,805 103,957
Sussex402,924 195,156
Tazewell689,505 340,850
Wise317,125 157,509
Wythe544,678 268,290
York635,502 314,220
Charlottesville1,255,254 613,531
Colonial Heights234,137 114,867
Danville299,297 147,436
Galax59,429 30,080
Hampton4,487,996 2,211,614
Harrisonburg90,053 45,832
Hopewell111,285 56,600
Lynchburg1,744,519 862,753
Martinsville5,092 2,497
Newport News4,653,892 2,287,189
Norfolk8,941,063 4,374,811
Petersburg728,893 352,291
Portsmouth3,855,777 1,909,629
Radford397,675 197,086
Richmond City11,172,537 5,456,849
Roanoke City1,417,437 706,676
Staunton297,398 147,971
Suffolk4,167,227 2,100,636
Virginia Beach14,923,023 7,347,886
Waynesboro498,989 248,109
Franklin City337,534 166,283
Chesapeake City11,086,597 5,506,327
Lexington219,866 109,480
Emporia14,337 7,337
Bedford City79,741 38,151
Poquoson494,990 240,514
West Point124,690 63,768
$116,477,529 $57,599,803".  

(This amendment adds $116.5 million from the general fund the first year and $57.6 million from the general fund the second year for a full "hold harmless" grant the first year and a 50 percent "hold harmless" the second year to all school divisions whose Composite Index of Local Ability-to-Pay increased from the 2008-10 biennium to the 2010-12 biennium. The amount of the hold harmless is determined as measured against House Bill 30, as introduced. In a companion amendment, $29.5 million from the general fund the first year is provided to "unfreeze" the Composite Index in the first year.)