2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

DOE - Reducing Required Reports (language only)

Item 132 #6c

Item 132 #6c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 88, line 8, strike "and shall submit, in a format specified by the".
Page 88, strike lines 9 through 10.
Page 88, line 11, strike "data".
Page 89, strike lines 3 through 6.
Page 89, line 7, strike "4" and insert "3"
Page 91, line 31, strike "The".
Page 91, strike lines 32 and 33.
Page 96, line 16, strike "The Department of Education shall".
Page 96, strike lines 17 through 20.

(This amendment removes the requirements for the following four reports as recommended by the Virginia Department of Education in its November 2009 report to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees: 1) Individual Student Alternative Education Plan Report, 2) Plan and Report for Programs of Prevention, Intervention, and Remediation, 3) SOL Web-Based Technology Initiative, and 4) Status of Regional Alternative Education Placements.)