2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Technical - Use Fiscal & Contractual Div ADM for 4 Div

Item 132 #3c

Item 132 #3c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2011 ($24,458,371) FY2012 ($24,712,726) GF

Page 75, line 12, strike "$5,580,822,781" and insert "$5,556,364,410".
Page 75, line 12, strike "$5,780,481,577" and insert "$5,755,768,851".
Page 79, after line 24, insert:
"11. Notwithstanding any other provision in statute or in this item, the Department of Education is directed to combine the end-of-year average daily membership (ADM) for those school divisions who have partnered together as a fiscal agent division and a contractual division for the purposes of calculating prevailing costs included in the Standards of Quality (SOQ) basic aid costs for support services through the rebenchmarking process."

(This amendment is technical in nature and correctly uses the combined average daily membership (ADM) for both the fiscal agent and the contractual divisions of Bedford County/Bedford City, Williamsburg City/James City County, Greensville/Emporia, and Fairfax City/Fairfax County when calculating the prevailing non-personal support services costs.)