2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Lottery: Forecast, Sch. Breakfast, PreK, K-3 Class Size, Enrollment Loss, Sch. Constr/Op. Costs

Item 132 #20c

Item 132 #20c

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2011 ($87,256,683) FY2012 ($77,514,188) GF
FY2011 $5,000,000 FY2012 $5,000,000 NGF

Page 75, line 12, strike "$5,580,822,781" and insert "$5,498,566,098".
Page 75, line 12, strike "$5,780,481,577" and insert "$5,707,967,389".
Page 75, after line 47, insert:
"Textbooks  (General Funds)       $10,652,340      $20,065,104".
Page 75, strike line 48.
Page 76, strike lines 2 and 3.
Page 76, strike lines 33, 35, 39, 41, 42, and 52.
Page 76, after line 51, insert:

"Virginia Preschool Initiative$67,607,769$68,300,290
School Breakfast Program$2,687,265$3,185,437
Remedial Summer School$25,064,692$25,514,519
English as a Second Language$37,272,009$39,141,229
Textbooks (Lottery Funds)$24,919,982$12,858,440

Page 83, line 25, strike "$430,200,000" and insert "$435,200,000".
Page 83, line 26, strike "$430,200,000" and insert "$435,200,000".
Page 87, strike lines 8 through 16.
Page 87, line 17, strike "10" and insert "9".
Page 88, line 26, strike "$7,282,572 the first year from the general fund and" and insert: "$6,729,485 the first year and $6,845,417".
Page 88, line 27, strike "$7,151,164".
Page 89, line 11, strike "$25,400,152 the first year and $25,514,150" and insert:
"25,064,692 the first year and $25,514,519".
Page 89, line 12, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 89, line 23, strike "11" and insert "10".
Page 89, line 24, strike "$98,233,321 the first year and $96,510,174" and insert:
"$73,229,929 the first year and $73,817,468".
Page 89, strike line 39.
Page 90, line 4, strike "12" and insert "11".
Page 90, line 42, strike "13" and insert "12".
Page 92, line 13, strike "14" and insert "13".
Page 92, line 14, strike "$75,529,020" and insert "$67,607,769".
Page 92, line 15, strike "$74,405,901" and insert "$68,300,290".
Page 93, line 50, strike "15" and insert "14".
Page 93, line 51, strike "$14,631,865 the first year and $14,788,410" and insert:
"$14,720,585 the first year and $14,787,821".
Page 94, line 32, strike "16" and insert "15".
Page 94, line 33, strike "$9,111,526 the first year and $9,007,288" and insert:
"$9,018,272 the first year and $9,006,959".
Page 94, line 55, strike "17" and insert "16".
Page 95, line 5, strike "18" and insert "17".
Page 95, line 6, strike "$36,559,335 the first year and $41,018,003" and insert:
"$37,272,009 the first year and $39,141,229".
Page 95, line 6, strike "general" and insert "Lottery Proceeds".
Page 95, line 11, strike "19" and insert "18".
Page 95, line 16 strike "$76,111,630 the first year from the general fund and $82,399,346" and insert:
"$75,141,153 the first year and $82,400,653".
Page 95, line 32, strike "20" and insert "19".
Page 95, line 44, strike "21" and insert "20".
Page 95, line 48, strike "22" and insert "21".
Page 96, line 7, strike "23" and insert "22".
Page 96, line 12, strike "24" and insert "23".
Page 96, line 21, strike "25" and insert "24".
Page 96, line 37, strike "26" and insert "25"
Page 96, strike lines 45 through 49.
Page 97, strike lines 1 through 21.
Page 97, line 22, strike "28" and insert "26".
Page 97, line 37, strike "29" and insert "27".
Page 98, line 39, strike "30" and insert "28".
Page 98, line 44, strike "31" and insert "29".
Page 98, line 45, strike "$2,442,968 the first year and $2,895,852" and insert "$2,687,265 the first year and $3,185,437".
Page 98, line 50, strike "$0.20" and insert "$0.22".
Page 99, line 10, strike "32" and insert "30".
Page 99, line 32, strike "33" and insert "31".

(This amendment reflects the following actions: 1) an increase in the Lottery forecast of $5 million each year due to the addition of the Power Ball game, as recommended by the Lottery Board; 2) increasing the School Breakfast reimbursement by 10 percent from 20 cents to 22 cents per breakfast, for an additional cost of $244,297 the first year and $289,585 the second year; 3) capturing $7.9 million the first year and $6.1 million the second year in non-participation savings rate of 21.7 percent from the Virginia Preschool Initiative for At-Risk Four-Year-Olds based on fiscal year 2010 actual participation levels; and 4) further targeting the K-3 Class Size Reduction program by limiting participation to schools with free lunch higher than 30 percent, which generates savings of $18.5 million the first year and $17.7 million the second year; 5) eliminating the Enrollment Loss program for savings of $7.6 million the first year and $8.5 million the second year, and 6) eliminating the "Support for School Construction and Operating Costs". Finally, Remedial Summer School, English as a Second Language, and part of Textbook will be funded from the Lottery Proceeds Fund rather than general funds.)