2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Committee Approved)

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Debt Priorities (language only)

Item C-85 #2s

Item C-85 #2s

Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay

Page 363, strike lines 9 to 24, and insert:
"D.1. The Secretary of Finance shall prepare and submit a plan to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee on or before the beginning of the 2011 General Assembly Session to schedule the issuance of debt for
authorized projects.
The plan prepared by the Secretary of Finance shall take into account the most recent recommendations of the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee released prior to the start of the 2011 General Assembly Session and make recommendations on the issuance of bonds for affected projects to stay at or below the limits on debt capacity established by the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee.  Furthermore, the plan shall recommend a schedule for issuance of debt that funds projects in the following priority order:
Priority 1: Projects under contract on the effective date of this Act,
Priority 2:  Maintenance Reserve,
Priority 3:  Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund,
Priority 4:  Equipment for Previously Funded Projects,
Priority 5:  Projects funded by previous Acts of the General Assembly, but not under contract on the effective date of this Act,
Priority 6:  Construction funds for projects authorized in this Act,
Priority 7: Improvements:  Energy Conservation projects authorized in Item C-84 of this Act.
2. Prior to the submission of the report by the Secretary of Finance the priority order set out in paragraph D.1. shall be used to schedule the issuance of debt under the December 2009 recommendations of the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee."

(This amendment establishes priorities for the projects to be funded from VCBA and VPBA debt. This prioritization will assure that agencies and institutions can proceed with planned expenditures for higher education equipment and maintenance of buildings pending the review of the Commonwealth's debt capacity by the Secretary of Finance.)