2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Committee Approved)

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BOE Support Positions Language (language only)

Item 132 #6s

Item 132 #6s

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 86, after line 37, insert:
"l. Support positions include:
1. Executive policy and leadership positions, including school board members, superintendent, and assistant superintendent.
2. Fiscal and human resource positions, including fiscal and audit operations, human resources, and procurement.
3. Student support positions which include: Social work administrative positions; Guidance administrative positions not included in the SOQ;  Homebound administrative positions supporting instruction;  Attendance support positions related to truancy and drop-out prevention; Health and behavioral positions, including school nurses and school psychologists;
4. Instructional personnel support, including professional development positions and library and media positions not included in the SOQ.
5. Technology professional positions not included in the SOQ.
6. Operational and maintenance positions, including facilities, pupil transportation positions; operation, and maintenance professional and service positions: security services, trades and laborer positions.
7. Technical and clerical positions, including fiscal and human resource technical/clerical, student support technical/clerical, instructional personnel support technical/clerical, operation and maintenance technical/clerical, administrative technical/clerical, and technology technical/clerical positions.
8. School based clerical personnel in elementary schools, part-time to 299 students, one full-time at 300 students: clerical personnel in middle school, one full-time for and one additional full time for each 600 students beyond 200 students and one full-time for the library at 750 students: clerical personnel in high schools, one full-time and one additional full-time for each 600 students beyond 200 students and one full-time for the library at 750 students.
School divisions may use the state and local funds for support services to provide additional instructional services.
The Department of Education shall make its calculation for the total cost of rebenchmarking for the fiscal year 2012-2014 biennium to be consistent with the following methodologies: (i) using the ‘support position funding cap’ methodology change contained in Chapter 781, 2009 Acts of Assembly; and (ii) using the rebenchmarking methodology which was contained within Chapter 879, from the 2008 Session.  The Department of Education shall report the final calculations and related costs derived from each of these methodologies to the Governor, the Chairmen of House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, and the Board of Education prior to September 1, 2011.".

(This amendment defines the categories of personnel that make up "support services" and permits school divisions to use funds for support services to provide additional instructional services, as recommended by the Board of Education in its October 30, 2009 Review of the Standards of Quality. In addition, this amendment requires the Department of Education to again calculate the cost of eliminating the support position funding cap in the process of calculating the cost of rebenchmarking for the 2012-14 biennium.)