2010 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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Correct Budget Bill to Identify Reduction Strategies (language only)

Item 4-1.08 #3s

Item 4-1.08 #3s

Appropriation Reductions to Address Revenue Shortfall

Page 348, after line 52, insert:
" C. State agencies and institutions with appropriation reductions contained in Part I of this act within the item “Executive Management, Savings from Management Actions in the Fiscal Year 2010 Reduction Plan” are to be guided by the reductions strategies outlined in paragraph D of  this section.  If modifications to the reductions outlined in this section are necessary, such modifications shall be reported to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Finance Committee pursuant to § 4-1.02.d.5.a) of this act.
D. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the specific reduction strategies identified by the Governor and Director, Department of Planning and Budget will be incorporated into this act during enrolling."

(This amendment adds the list of agency budget reduction strategies to Part 4 of the caboose bill. These strategies were inadvertently dropped from the printed version of the bill.)