2010 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
Meat Inspection Program

Item 89 #1s

Item 89 #1s

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Agriculture And Forestry
Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of FY2011 $1,244,000 FY2012 $1,244,000 GF
FY2011 35.00 FY2012 0.00 FTE

Page 47, line 26, strike "$5,718,085" and insert "$6,962,085".
Page 47, line 26, strike "$4,871,394" and insert "$6,115,394".
Page 47, strike lines 37 through 45 and insert:
" B.  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services hereby shall have the authority to establish a reasonable fee to offset the cost of providing these services."

(This amendment restores funds for VDACS to provide for a state meat inspection program for meat and poultry processing plants that operate under the Talmadge-Aiken program as well as authorizes a fee to recover revenue to offset some portion of the general fund appropriation.)