2010 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: McQuinn
Co-Patron(s): McClellan, Ward
Funding for Virginia Slave Commission

Item 6 #3h

Item 6 #3h

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Legislative Department
Legislative Services, Division of FY2011 $25,000 FY2012 $25,000 GF

Page 8, line 21, strike "$6,015,667" and insert "$6,040,667".
Page 8, line 21, strike "$6,015,667" and insert "$6,040,667".

(This amendment provides $25,000 from the general fund each year of the biennium to fund the impact of House Bill 1200 which would establish the Virginia Slave Commission within the legislative branch. The Commission would have 12 members including 8 legislative members. The Commission would be staffed by Division of Legislative Services.)