2010 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Gilbert
Biosolids Fees Deposited to GF (language only)

Item 4-2.02 #1h

Item 4-2.02 #1h

General Fund Revenue

Page 392, after line 8, insert:
"l) Department of Environmental Quality, from fees collected for the land application of biosolids."
Page 392, line 9, strike "l)" and insert "m)".
Page 392, line 23, strike "m)" and insert "n)".
Page 392, line 26, strike "n)" and insert "o)".

(This amendment requires that the Department of Environmental Quality deposit all revenue from the fees it collections for the application of biosolids to the general fund. A companion amendment eliminates 20 positions involved with the siting, permitting, and inspection of these biosolid application projects as well as the positions responsible for the enforcement of the Commonwealth's biosolids laws and regulations. These 20 positions had been supported by the fees.)