2010 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

Annual Vehicle Registration Fee ($4.25 for Life) (language only)

Item 3-6.03 #1c

Item 3-6.03 #1c

Adjustments and Modifications to Fees
Annual Vehicle Registration Fee ($4.25 for Life)

Page 381, after line 51, insert:
"Notwithstanding § 46.2-694 paragraph 13 of the Code of Virginia, the additional fee that shall be charged and collected at the time of registration of each pickup or panel truck and each motor vehicle shall be $6.25."

(This amendment increases the annual vehicle registration fee known as "$4 for Life" from $4.25 to $6.25. The additional $2.00 fee is expected to generate $12.6 million annually. A separate amendment to Item 281 (Emergency Medical Services) transfers $2.1 million of the fee increase to the Department of State Police for med-flight operations. A companion amendment to Item 3-1.01 (Interfund Transfers) transfers $10.5 million each year to the general fund during the 2010-12 biennium.)