2010 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Increase Transfer from Trauma Center Fund to General Fund (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #4c

Item 3-1.01 #4c

Interfund Transfers

Page 370, line 48, strike the first "2,455,000" and insert "9,055,000".
Page 370, line 48, strike the second "2,455,000" and insert "9,055,000".

(This amendment increases the transfer of revenue from the Trauma Center Fund to the general fund by $6.6 million in each year. The introduced budget transferred $2.4 million each year from the Fund to the general fund. A companion amendment to Item 3-6.00 (Adjustments and Modifications to Fees) increases the drivers license reinstatement fee by $50, allowing for the restoration of $2.4 million each year to the trauma centers. Revenues in the Trauma Center Fund are used to defray the cost of providing emergency medical care to victims of automobile accidents attributable to alcohol or drug use.)